Real Estate Law

Real estate law is a broad term that can cover many areas of real property. Our real estate attorneys can assist in the following practice areas: closings on a new property, refinancing a mortgage, and drafting deeds and tax affidavits.

realestate agent handing over keys to new home owner

What is Real Estate Law?

Real Estate Law is a general name for any laws dealing with real property you own or partly own. Due to strict local and state laws when it comes to real property it is essential to have someone who understands the laws.

How does a Real Estate Law Layer help?

Delaware requires an attorney to conduct real estate closing within our state, because when it comes to real estate, there are many financial and property considerations to be decided at the time of closing or refinancing, or transferring ownership through a deed and tax affidavits. Our real estate lawyers can help you by walking you through the execution of these financial and property documents to secure the sale or ownership of your property.

Real Estate Tips:

When meeting with one of our real estate attorneys, it is best to have a copy of any current deeds, property taxes, and mortgages for the real property at issue to enable our attorneys to assist you in transferring any interest, purchases, or questions.

Schedule a consulation with one of our attorneys

When you call our office, be prepared to provide us a little information about your case and one of our staff members will help you schedule an appointment.

  • Full Name and Full Name of the party (for conflict check purposes)
  • Contact Phone Number
  • Brief description about your case

Call 302-478-4445 to schedule an appointment.

Delaware Office Locations

Wilmington Office

803 North Broom Street

Wilmington, DE 19806

Dover Office

1044 South State Street

Dover, DE 19901

Visit or call us here for Maryland family law matters as well

Georgetown Office

100 N. Bedford Street

Georgetown, DE 19947