Children and divorce: There are many questions that divorcing couples explore when going through a divorce. People want to know what to expect regarding the home, the finances, support and a myriad of other topics that come into play. But the most burning question, and one of the most difficult to answer is How Do We Tell the Children?
This is not a one size fits all matter. The first thing that must be looked at is the age and stability of the children. If the children are in therapy that would be a good topic to discuss with the therapist who may even get involved in the actual discussion.
Most families come up with a plan that suits their particular situation and starts the discussions early in the separation. Other families may not be ready to start the process of talking about the separation. It is helpful, but not always practical, to have the discussions together with all of the family members participating.
This, of course would be dependent on the relationship the parents have with each other. If it is not an amicable family situation it is best to seek help from a third party. Perhaps a family member who could remain neutral or a private mediator who would help the parties through this part of the process.
The most important thing to remember is that this should be as calm as possible with the goal being what is in the best interest of the children.
Article provided by Rory Godowsky, Gonser and Gonser , P.A.
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Source: Delaware Divorce Blog