Month: May 2015

Will I be taxed on my 401(k) division?

401k Tax 401k tax

The Court has ordered that my 401(k) retirement account be divided.  Will I be taxed on this division?

No. This account will be divided via a document called a Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) which makes the transfer a tax and penalty free transfer.

If you want answers to your questions and/or concerns call 888-648-2929 to set up a consultation.

#AskDrewThursday #GonserLaw  #StatewideLawfirm #DelawareFamilyLaw

We’ve moved!

We’ve moved to our new Wilmington Office. Same address, different building.

Concord Plaza, SPRINGER Building, Suite 203
3411 Silverside Road
Wilmington, DE 19810

Can I terminate his parental rights?

I am a single mom with a child.  I have not heard from my child’s father in over a year.  Can I parental rightsterminate his parental rights?

Although there are some exceptions, generally the Court will terminate the rights of one parent unless there is someone (i.e. a step parent) ready to accept those parent rights through a subsequent adoption.

If you want answers to your questions and/or concerns call 888-648-2929 to set up a consultation.

#AskDrewThursday #GonserLaw  #StatewideLawfirm #DelawareFamilyLaw